What help can we offer you?

We assist individuals only, we do not act for landlords or mortgage lenders. We offer housing advice, representation and advocacy at court.

We operate under a Legal Aid Contract and can offer housing advice to individuals who qualify for legal aid.

We advise tenants about a wide range of housing matters including help and representation at court for:

  • Individuals facing possession proceedings;
  • Evictions;
  • Injunctions; and
  • Anti-social behaviour proceedings.

We advise on all aspects of homelessness and judicial review in a housing context.

We do not offer assistance in relation to enquiries regarding Birmingham City Council's Housing Allocation Scheme or housing benefit issues.

How can you access our services?

You can be referred to us by an organisation that is already supporting you. Or you can visit our offices, call 0121 227 6540 or complete this online form.

Our ability to take on cases is subject to capacity.

Other sources of help and information

Community Law Partnership

Firm of solicitors specialising in the law relating to Housing and Public Law in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council Housing Information

Key information regarding homelessness, applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) and benefits.    

CRISIS Birmingham

Charity offering advice, education, training and support within hostels, day centres and other venues in Birmingham.

Legal aid elgibility checker 

Eligibility calculator to see whether you qualify under the Legal Aid Scheme

Downloadable Resources

Homelessness Code of Guidance