Our staff are experts in their field and experienced in delivering training to staff and volunteers across a range of voluntary and statutory sector organisations. Please contact us to find out how we can work together.

Brilliant training. Covered a lot in a little time. Also stopped to answer questions.

Taking bookings NOW for half day courses on Universal Credit in Birmingham

Welfare Reform, and in particular Universal Credit, is leading to a reduction in income for people across Birmingham. Housing providers are facing increased rent arrears and there is a direct link to increased homelesness and increasing debt levels.

In some situations this reduction can be lessened or delayed or we can even achieve an increase in income.

On our practical courses, led by a Welfare Benefits legal advisor, you will gain top tips and information you can use from day 1 to support your clients to make Universal Credit work for them.

I learnt how to support clients to complete a successful claim.

If you wish to discuss which course is best for you please contact Janet or Jane [email protected] or [email protected]