Need help? Advice during COVID-19 crisis Employment advice My employer has asked me to do some work while I am being furloughed, can I do it? During hours you are on furlough you will not be able to work for your employer. Your employer cannot ask you to do any work for them that: makes money for your employer or a company linked or associated to your employer provides services to your employer or a company linked or associated to your employer During hours you are on furlough you can: take part in training volunteer for another employer or organisation work for another employer, if contractually allowed For the hours you are furloughed your employer cannot ask you to do work for another linked or associated company. If your contract allows, you may undertake other employment for the time your current employer has placed you on furlough, and this will not affect the grant that they can claim under the scheme. You will need to be able to work for the employer that has placed you on furlough if they decide to stop furloughing you or start flexibly furloughing you, and you must be able to undertake any training they require while on furlough. Manage Cookie Preferences