Health and Social Care What help can we offer you? The health and social care system was put in place to meet the needs of those with disabilities and their carers. Everybody has the right to health and social care to meet their needs, as well as rights about the type of support they receive. Public authorities have duties and powers to help people including those who have needs arising from illness, disability or learning difficulty, being carers, children in need, children in care, care leavers and for vulnerable families who have no recourse to public funds. Advice and representation for people who require care, support, services and/or accommodation from Social Services, the NHS or central government. We provide advice in a wide range of Community Care Law matters including: Care Act assessments and support plans Carers’ assessments and support Services for disabled children and their parents Obtaining facilities and adaptations Cuts to support packages Closure of day centres, respite units and other services Direct payments Charging for care and requests for third party top-ups Continuing healthcare Hospital discharge Mental capacity Children in need assessments and support Support for looked after children Assessments and pathway plans of care leavers Age disputes Accommodation and maintenance of families with no recourse to public funds. We bring Judicial Review proceedings to challenge the actions and decisions of public authorities, where duties and powers are not exercised correctly. We assist clients to pursue complaints against social care and health bodies. How can you access our services? You can be referred to us by an organisation that is already supporting you. Or you can visit our offices, call 0247 622 3053 or complete this online form. Manage Cookie Preferences