MiFriendly Cities is a project funded by the EU under the Urban Innovative Actions umbrella, which covers projects all across Europe running between 2018-2021.

In the Midlands it is run by the Local Authorities of Coventry, Birmingham and Wolverhampton together with Coventry University, the Coventry and Wolverhampton Refugee Centres, Central England Law Centre, MigrationWork and MigrantVoice and Interserve.

The aim is to improve outcomes for migrants in the Midlands: Improved employment, skills, self-employment, health screening and rights knowledge.

Central England Law Centre offers rights based education in schools with aim of equipping young people with the knowledge they need to make sure they have the right immigration papers. We will provide legal health checks for those taking part in other parts of the project, to make sure they are aware of their rights and have knowledge or help to fix difficulties.